Scenario Engine

Upgrade from Ocean Tender Response Manager and use the only "real time" rules engine to store, manage, analyze, what-ifs, and award your transportation procurement bids.

Our decision support assistant, Scenario Engine incorporates carrier services; carrier performance (rated by shippers) and routing in the analysis process. See the immediate impact on awards and costs; generate counters and target rates in real time.

OceanTender has ‘intelligent’ and flexible options
All you need to use our solution is a PC and Excel.  Upload and download your tender proposals quickly and easily through excel and then use a range of our powerful online tools to ensure you can view and compare carrier proposals, by multiple service criteria.
OceanTender provides decision Support
Review the cost impact of carrier selections, changes to trade lanes, routing, equipment and services. Incorporate your carrier market share strategies.  Invoke industry carrier performance measurements for e-commerce, terminals & equipment, customer service, and ‘value for money’.

OceanTender Scenario Engine provides a smarter way to deliver and evaluate Tender proposals.

Additional Features:
•  Ability to set what surcharges are included and excluded
•  Ability to view rates in your default currency
•  Ability to track and manage multiple tender proposals over multiple rounds
•  Analyze carriers responses using price or other service, or target criteria
•  Ability to automate the counter rates and return to carriers
•  Ability to automate the nomination process as responses are received
•  Ability to store, archive and re-use data
•  Ability to integrate into Contract Management and other tools
•  Carrier Quote Builder to enable carriers to respond more accurately and quickly
•  Ability to Track carrier status.
•  Enable carriers to build rates with Rate Builder. Fees convert and roll into Carrier Rate!

Shippers can automatically award using any of the above combinations. Enjoy the efficiencies of working with the world’s leading tender solution! 
Upgrade to a More Powerful Ocean Tender Solution PROFESSIONAL SERVICES