Response Manager

Supercharge your Transportation Procurement processes with our Response Manager.

Freightgate’s web based tool allows carriers and shippers to create and design sophisticated Tender proposals using standard data formats that break through the limitations of traditional excel based processes. OceanTender improves data accuracy and reliability

Response Manager takes the most widely known and used transportation procurement tool - worksheets, incorporates them with the most successful processes and has created the response manager platform into a hosted application accessible.

Through the design of a standardized tendering format and processes, Ocean Tender has enabled shippers and their transportation service providers to communicate in a simple easy to use format. Complete and import your volume and lane details from excel. Submit all/partial lanes to some or all carriers.  Import excel responses and watch the system merge the data for analysis purposes! Export the results and you have a full library of carrier fees, ranked and segregated for review and negotiations. Compile your trade and volume data using OceanTender’s structured format. Import the data via your spreadsheets and other formats.

OceanTender provides a smarter way to deliver Tender proposals. Features:

•  Ability to upload to the Freightgate platform from Excel

•  Ability to automate validation of trade and routing data and view errors before submission

•  Ability to standardize data formats for distribution

•  Ability to customize Tender proposals for easier evaluation

Upgrade to a More Powerful Ocean Tender Solution SCENARIO ENGINE